Example sentences for: ddt

How can you use “ddt” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Exposures to environmental toxins such as lead, tobacco smoke, and DDT have been linked with an increased risk for spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, or preterm birth [6,9,10,13,14,15,28,32,65,66].

  • Because the target of DDT and pyrethroid insecticides is the voltage-gated Na +channel [ 15 ] , and considering that the anti-malarial quinine blocks K +channels, insights into the ion channels in the genomes of this mosquito and other insects may be useful for investigating how DDT and other pesticides may be used with greatest efficacy and safety.

  • DDT has been used extensively to control this mosquito.

  • Bailey, personal communication; M. Brodsky, personal communication; [ 16]; E. De Gregorio personal communication; A. Tang, personal communication; and P. Tomancak, personal communication), which study five different experimental questions - aging, DNA-damage response, immune response, resistance to DDT, and embryonic development.

  • The group wants the treaty to allow people to spray small amounts of DDT on walls indoors to repel disease-carrying mosquitoes.

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