Example sentences for: am

How can you use “am” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • My remuneration is so trivial that what I am doing qualifies as play.

  • I am myself conventionally "pro-choice," but I would think it a dubious procedure to make that the criterion of when it was illegitimate to invoke the Holocaust, reserving the mantle of legitimacy for causes--like humanitarian intervention, or the promotion of brotherhood and tolerance--of which I approve.

  • As I use such books mainly as reference books, I am probably the wrong reviewer for this work by the estimable Nigel Rees, a Londoner well known as the host of a BBC radio program, Quote ... Unquote , who publishes an amusing, entertaining, informative newsletter with the same title.

  • I am convinced that GAO is now entering another significant era that will take its place on the timeline of the agency's historic key events.

  • The "Round Mound of Rebound" used to obnoxiously proclaim, "I am not a role model."

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