Example sentences for: all-around

How can you use “all-around” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Pop-art icon Roy Lichtenstein died . Obituaries generally celebrated him for countering texture and esoteric expression with irreverence and ironic wit, and for being an all-around nice guy.

  • Under the proprietary leadership of the photographer and all-around impresario Alfred Stieglitz, the group had called itself Photo-Secession, which sounded radical and daring, but Stieglitz was so obsessed with achieving artistic legitimacy that the group's work restricted itself to counterfeiting the effects of drawing and painting.

  • The cover story smacks supply-side economics guru Jude Wanniski for his grandiosity, tax-cut monomania, and all-around loopiness.

  • Good reviews for the first nonanimated feature film written and directed by Mike Judge, creator of Beavis and Butt-head and King of the Hill . "Bristling with shrewd observation, inspired humor and all-around smarts," says Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times . The subject is the soul-crushing monotony of life in a corporate cubicle, and how a few drones manage to shake things up.

  • During the 1992 campaign, when Gennifer Flowers first brought Clinton's philandering to public attention, Stephanopoulos--as Clinton's chief spinner, distracter, and all-around bullshit artist--played a crucial role in discrediting Flowers and anyone else who tried to point out the truth, namely that Clinton had a disturbing zipper problem.

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