Example sentences for: alanines

How can you use “alanines” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • A recent study identified a number of α5 helix residues in α t that when changed to alanines increased rates of guanine-nucleotide exchange ( i.e., decreased affinity for guanine-nucleotides) [ 5 ] . Individual mutation of amino acids in α t , cognate to T330, N332, V333, F337 in α i2 (Figure 1), increased nucleotide exchange rates [ 5 ] . Two of these critical amino acids, N332 and V333 in α i2 , are in fact the first two amino acids that are replaced by the novel splicing in sα i2 (Figure 1).

  • Interestingly, in the other study, the authors found that deletion of a proline-rich sequence corresponding to sα i2 amino acids 348-359 (Figure 1) changed localization of sα i2 from Golgi membranes to a more diffuse localization throughout intracellular membranes [ 4 ] . However, mutation of proline residues to alanines failed to affect sα i2 localization [ 4 ] . Thus, little evidence exists to support a specific membrane targeting role for the novel sα i2 sequence.

  • Substitution of the three threonines with alanines produces the 3 × Ala mutant that behaves like a constitutively unphosphorylated myosin-II.

  • To test this hypothesis, we mutated the opossum alpha-2C serines and threonine residues to alanines and valine, respectively, and tested whether the expressed receptors would down-regulate.

  • All crystallographically characterized metallo-β-lactamases have a flexible amino acid chain that extends over the active site [ 37 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 ] . Previous NMR studies on CcrA have shown that this loop "clamps down" on substrate or inhibitor upon binding, and there is speculation that the distortion of substrate upon clamping down of the loop may drive catalysis [ 50 ] . The crystal structure of L1 showed that there is a large loop that extends over the active site, and modeling studies have predicted that two residues, Ile164 and Phe158, make significant contacts with large, hydrophobic substituents at the 2' or 6' positions on penicillins, cephalosporins, or carbapenems [ 37 ] . To test this prediction, Ile 164 and Phe158 were changed from large, hydrophobic residues to alanines to afford the I164A and F158A mutants.

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