Example sentences for: admires

How can you use “admires” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Douglas MacArthur, McCain responds that he admires Acheson's involvement because the dismissal was necessary to assure civilian control of the military at the start of the Cold War.

  • In a column that stops just short of endorsement, Joe Klein admires Bill Bradley's ability to disarm crowds and praises the candidate's authenticity and "amiable cleverness."

  • Another admires women's basketball for discouraging "ladylike behavior" and promoting "raucous ...

  • This book has the unintended effect of exposing the unappealing side of the school-choice crusade: The ideal parent of these pages does not remind me much of an upstanding, civic-minded citizen--the kind of patriot Bennett presumably admires.

  • The New Republic 's James Wood admires its "own nervous perfection," and Alfred Kazin, writing in the New York Review of Books , rates it a notch below Bellow's great works.

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