Example sentences for: admired

How can you use “admired” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The problem remains: Do we, should we, bother with evaluative comparisons and contextualizations with an artist like Chris Ofili whose agenda seems to be anti-aesthetic, and whose context is much more the current sensations of pop music and fashion with which he vies in terms of energy and verve, than the old masters, the "strong and durable" art admired by Cézanne in the Louvre, and by many of us in the permanent collections of the Brooklyn Museum?

  • Governor James Murray sympathized with the Québécois, whose bravery he much admired.

  • Critics have admired the film technically but have deplored Thompson's vision.

  • There, costumed guides will help to give you a sense of the grand life enjoyed by members of the much admired and hated Family Compact.

  • Documentaries on the CIA, the rise of religious fundamentalism, and the minimum wage are much admired, too.

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