Example sentences for: admissible

How can you use “admissible” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The LAT lead cites experts who argue that the decision has a big pro-Clinton upshot: if the sworn statements Clinton and Lewinsky recently gave to Jones' lawyers are not admissible, then they cannot be used as the basis for perjury or obstruction of justice charges.

  • On the other hand, it is admissible, as we have already seen, to throw solvers off the scent with an occasional comma in the “wrong” place.

  • Additionally, most proffer sessions involve what is known as a "queen for a day" agreement, under which both sides agree that information discussed at such a session will not be admissible against the defendant at a trial.

  • An article by a constitutional lawyer wonders whether Ted Kaczynski's diary should be admissible in court and decides that it should be.

  • Telephon is too near telephone, I fear, to be admissible; telephone is exotic; phogram is too abrupt, and is suggestive of program, grogram, and Elijah Pogram.

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