Example sentences for: adman

How can you use “adman” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • SUBJECT: "Analysis" from Slate 's adman

  • And in the 1970s, legendary '60s adman Jerry Della Femina wrote simply, "Most account guys live with fear in their hearts."

  • One of the more remarked-upon trends in modern (actually, postmodern , I guess) advertising is the reliance upon anti-ads, those commercials that acknowledge the basic insincerity of the adman's project and which presumably please viewers by nudge-nudge, wink-winking them in a way that recognizes how phenomenally aware we are of advertising's attempts to ensnare us.

  • Bush's chief adman, Mark McKinnon, weaves through the crowd with a handheld video camera, shooting scenes he'll use in future commercials.

  • The first and most influential trickster was an adman named Bill Bernbach, whose famous campaign for the VW Beetle began in 1960.

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