Example sentences for: administering

How can you use “administering” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • These savings do not take into account the costs of administering the gain-sharing program, which GSA officials believe were minimal.

  • Mirrored code is sent out to individual sites via the internet to minimize programming burden [ 39 ] . Finally, handheld devices will increasingly allow extension of desktop systems and will be used for many routine tasks such as capturing vital signs or administering medications.

  • Cyrus Sanai replies: Dr. Duncan is correct that the HMOs administering the Oregon Health Plan may elect to cover conditions below the funding line, and no doubt many physicians do treat such conditions at no charge or by combining treatment with a condition falling above the line.

  • Because a SWISS proband might erroneously believe that a sibling never had a stroke, discordance is considered verified only if the sibling can be contacted for a structured telephone interview and gives negative answers to all 8 items on the Questionnaire for Verifying Stroke-Free Status (QVSFS) (Table 1) [ 57 58 ] . Discordant siblings are excluded if they are deemed unreliable historians in the opinion of the interviewer administering the QVSFS on the basis of global impression of moderate or severe impairment of speech, language, hearing, or memory.

  • One of my personal favorites in this category is mithridatism the gradual immunization of a person against a poison by administering it over a long period in small, but increasing dosages; it refers to Mithridates IV the Great of Pontus (? 133-65 BC), who, according to Justinian, foiled a conspiracy by just such a method before dispatching the conspirators one day at dinner by dosing the food with poison that had no effect on him.

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