Example sentences for: adduces

How can you use “adduces” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Significantly, he adduces not a jot of counterevidence for his novel claim that only "some Germans" opposed Kristallnacht.

  • The Post adduces further evidence of the inside-the-Beltway bandwagon, with media reporter Howard Kurtz citing the (mostly Washington-based) columnists who thus far have said in print they want Clinton out, a list that includes Clarence Page, Garry Wills, and Lars-Erik Nelson.

  • The professor adduces some statistics for his side purporting to show that the availability of concealed weapons lessens the occurrence of what he calls "multiple-victim public shootings."

  • However, Bradley adduces evidence that they were quite good with numbers and were overly sentimental about their mothers.

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