Example sentences for: adduced

How can you use “adduced” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Fear of retribution from the unforgiving Irish, combined with those Sri Lankan girls, is adduced by Winchester as a factor leading to Minor's life as a dictionary maker.

  • Anecdotal examples, including pregnancy-associated glycoproteins, trophoblast interferons, the Pem and Psx homeobox genes, and the placental lactogen genes support the notion that 'placental genes' evolve rapidly [ 12 13 14 15 16 17 ] , but counter-examples can also be adduced.

  • In general Shulevitz fails to even once indicate that I have adduced a great deal of evidence for my claims and that I have developed a fairly elaborate theory based on evolutionary biology and evolutionary social psychology.

  • English has a much larger vocabulary, a fact that has been adduced to support the argument that French is inferior to English.

  • Happy Trails raises as many questions as it answers: I have trouble believing that gunsel is a “cowboy word for a braggart,” for which no evidence is adduced.

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