Example sentences for: acceptably

How can you use “acceptably” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Owners, the government included, traditionally have maintained some level of internal facility planning and design oversight capability to ensure that new facilities acceptably balance the factors of cost, schedule, quality, and performance.

  • After my experiments, I'll probably stick with Purely Cotton, which costs no more than the premium brands, is environmentally sound, acceptably soft, and appropriately absorbent.

  • This risk can be acceptably mitigated if the plan calls for invoice examination to be commensurate with the risk to the government.

  • Program officials are confident that the design is stable and will perform acceptably when at least 90 percent of engineering drawings are complete.

  • These risks would be acceptably mitigated if the statistical sampling plan provided for (1) the scope or extent of invoice examination to be commensurate with the risk to the government,14 (2) sampling from the universe of all invoices under $2,500 not subject to complete examination, (3) effective monitoring to ensure that the plan is effectively implemented and the risks to the government remain within tolerable limits, and (4) a continuing relationship with the vendor so that the risk of loss is minimized.

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