Example sentences for: abyss

How can you use “abyss” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta said Primakov is going without loss of face because he is already recognized as the man who saved Russia from an abyss.

  • That evening, at the Bromells' apartment, after She had been carried up through the rational structureBy articulate stages, floor after flashing floor,And after we helped her get across the hall,And get across the room to a chair, somehowWe got her seated in a chair that was placedA little too far away from the nearest table,At the edge of the abyss, and there she sat,Exposed, her body the object of our attention--The heaviness of it, the helpless graceless leg,The thick stocking, the leg brace, the medical shoe.

  • On the front page of Wednesday's Le Monde of Paris, the famous French economist and former presidential adviser Jacques Attali said the world was on the edge of an abyss and could plunge into "a planetary recession of which democracy, in several countries, could be the principal victim."

  • Yes, you can sing just about every one of Dickinson's poems to the tune of "I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing" (try it, it's fun), but that kind of surface-level orderliness is undermined by the speaker's disconcerting propensity to topple into the abyss, whether prompted by union with God, union with the beloved, or union with death.

  • In Volume 1 , Cook wonderfully described two of them, Marion Dickerman and Nancy Cook, as beginning a "slow slide toward that dangerous abyss they considered neutrality."

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