Example sentences for: abstracts

How can you use “abstracts” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Word occurrence in abstracts is determined for each gene by analyzing the contents of Medline entries (nearly 4,000 in the example presented here).

  • We were able to find at least five relevant records in the Medline database containing abstracts for 44 out of the 70 genes listed.

  • Authors used various terms containing "valid" in 7/38 titles and 6/37 abstracts, while MEDLINE and MANTIS did not have the actual terms like "valid", "validation", and "validity" as controlled vocabulary.

  • A vast majority of these terms are either found ubiquitously (for example, 'if, 'because', 'cell', 'identified' are present in most abstracts of most genes) or very rarely (present in very few abstracts of few genes) and therefore are of very little use for the definition of gene-specific term occurrence profiles.

  • To take such discrepancies into account we optimized the cut-off for each gene as follows: cut-off = t + ( k / n ) where t is the minimum threshold, k is a constant and n is the number of abstracts retrieved for a given gene; t and k must be set arbitrarily and will directly influence resolution and noise levels.

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