Example sentences for: abstractly

How can you use “abstractly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The actors float, abstractly, in the frame, lit so that their muscles have a luster.

  • The issues they raise--Mr. Ross more abstractly and wittily, Mr. Frantz and Ms. Collins more earnestly and intimately, are not side issues to the American experiment.

  • The young Russian gold medalist Ilya Kulik got raves for his dazzling skating and nothing but scorn for the yellow-and-black giraffe-print shirt he wore, with more scorn for the gauzy wings on the abstractly designed torso of his other costume.

  • Neither, however, could a figure such as he neglect the observation that the personage with whom the former is now abstractly in conversation was accorded the merit of only dues livres , and that those due were accorded a position more terrestrial, which is to say well below those of the former on the "list."

  • The less you have of something, the more you boast of it abstractly.

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