Example sentences for: abstraction

How can you use “abstraction” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It's infused with a mournful 1950s-era Existentialism, and Paz's French influence pushes him into abstraction.

  • There is a transcription of a 1975 fiction symposium in which Barthelme says relatively little and the reader is mostly subjected to vast snowdrifts of abstraction courtesy of Gass.

  • The resulting swaths of color, like beach towels rippling on a laundry line, create a planar kind of abstraction, with large areas of smooth, erased whiteness.

  • The data abstraction form should be headed with a study number, if blinding is to be preserved, or with the name of the study, the publication or source of data, the name and affiliation of the investigators, and the type of design.

  • Study selection and data abstraction was conducted independently by the two investigators.

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