Example sentences for: abl

How can you use “abl” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The proto-oncogene TEL (Translocation, Ets, Leukemia) is a transcriptional repressor that contains a C-terminal Ets family DNA binding domain; a central domain that together with co-repressors recruit histone deacetylases [ 1 2 3 ] ; and an N-terminal SAM (sterile, alpha, motif) domain [ 4 5 6 ] , which we have recently shown forms a polymer [ 7 ] . Chromosomal translocations in a variety of leukemias result in fusion of the SAM domain of TEL to tyrosine kinase domains such as ABL, PDGFβ and JAK2 [ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ] or to the transcriptional activators AML1 and ARNT [ 15 16 17 ] . In the tyrosine kinase fusions, SAM domain polymerization leads to constitutive activation of the tyrosine kinase domains, which leads in turn to cell transformation [ 10 12 18 19 ] . Thus, compounds that block TEL-SAM polymerization could be effective in treating these leukemias.

  • For example, in CML, a commonly found mutation is a C→T single nucleotide change that replaces threonine with isoleucine at position 315 (T315I) in the ABL kinase domain [9,10,11].

  • The authors proposed that CAP, Ena, and Abl regulate the level and spatial organization of actin in the follicle cells.

  • The adaptor protein Cas has several domains that are important for its function, an SH3 domain, a central substrate domain with up to 15 tyrosines that can serve as tyrosine kinase substrates for upstream kinases such as Src and Abl [ 19 42 43 ] , and a C-terminal Src binding domain with PXXP motifs for binding to the SH3 domain of Src, and two tyrosines providing docking sites for the Src SH2 domain upon phosphorylation [ 6 ] . The substrate domain of Cas has two major types of tyrosine motifs that can be phosphorylated and bind downstream effectors, YQXP (4 copies) and YDXP motifs (9 copies), suggesting that at least two classes of downstream effectors, one capable of binding to YDXP motifs and the other capable of binding to YQXP motifs, are assembled by this adaptor protein.

  • Mutations in the ABL kinase domain are found in 50%–90% of patients with secondary resistance to the drug (reviewed in [8]).

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