Example sentences for: abetted

How can you use “abetted” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Better yet, he brings off the burgeoning of Jack's conscience with exceptional subtlety, beginning with the man's embarrassment at shaking hands at a party with a dupe he once collared and ending with his horror at a slaying he has inadvertently abetted.

  • He is abetted by his beautiful psychoanalyst mother, Renata, who is also crudely drawn: Like some caricature of a Freudian, she has an urge to psychoanalyze Schmidt whenever he is in her presence.

  • For McGovern, it was the hard left, abetted by the hippie fringe--Bella Abzug, along with Abbie Hoffman.

  • The islanders’ heroic resistance, admittedly abetted by a timely typhoon (kamikaze: “divine wind”), earned them a formidable martial reputation.

  • At the heart of the book is the claim that by treating a political cataclysm in strictly humanitarian terms, Western governments and the United Nations assured the destruction of a democratic, multicultural nation in the middle of Europe and abetted the cause of Serbian fascism.

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