Example sentences for: tecs

How can you use “tecs” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Using semi-quantitative RT-PCR, we analyzed the expression of two cytokines that are produced by TECs, IL-7 and SCF, in pooled, genotype-matched E14.

  • The abnormal cell death and proliferation patterns in the Hoxa3,Pax1 compound mutant fetal thymocytes might be caused in part by observed reductions in the transcription levels of the cytokines IL-7 and SCF produced by TECs.

  • The most well defined role for TECs in directly affecting thymocyte differentiation is to mediate positive selection via expression of MHC molecules [ 11 19 20 21 22 ] . However, it is still unclear whether TECs directly promote specific stages of thymocyte differentiation during stages that do not involve MHC-TCR interactions, or whether their role at other stages is primarily to promote cell growth and /or survival.

  • In fact, these mutants should have a relative increase in the proportion of TECs, making the reductions seen in cytokine levels in the mutant thymi even more striking.

  • Our results support a critical role for microenvironment created by TECs in regulating thymocyte proliferation during the TN to DP transition, and show that this function is disrupted in Hoxa3,Pax1 compound mutants.

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