Example sentences for: technology

How can you use “technology” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The use of technology (e.g.

  • During the visits, we interviewed the CIO, members of the senior executive team, IT managers, and other officials as identified by the host organization, to obtain their individual perspectives on information and technology management issues.

  • SCR is currently the predominant technology to be used for NOX control and is also the most demanding in terms of resources and time to install when compared to other NOx control technologies.

  • Rather than depend on the personal interest of individual senior managers, two of the organizations we studied had established senior-level committees to ensure that information technology issues, including information security, received appropriate attention.

  • What I meant in saying that techno has cultural-political significance is that it's the medium of a counterculture; techno fans are looking for ecstasy (I mean the state of mind, not the drug, though that too), for a kind of erotic communalism that's basically missing from the larger culture right now ... but where the '60s counterculture was anti-technological (even though rock 'n' roll was totally dependent on technology), this one resonates with the techno-utopianism of computer freaks (I'm not saying the techno audience is computer freaks or overlaps with them, I really have no idea, just that there's a common impulse there).

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