Example sentences for: review

How can you use “review” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Nor was a common start or end point identified for design review.

  • For the final review, the articles were blinded to journal, title and author, and randomly assigned to a pair of reviewers.

  • But his time was consumed with getting new officials in place and working on the foundation documents of a new defense policy, the quadrennial defense review, the defense planning guidance, and the existing contingency plans.

  • The preamble states that the statutory deadline necessitated the 30-day comment period in the notice of proposed rulemaking because of the time needed to draft the rule, coordinate with interested agencies, and complete the required Office of Management and Budget review process.

  • 51 A review of state statutes, including those of the District of Columbia, revealed that 38 states have a provision that allows third-party payors to issue policies that deny payment for injuries sustained while intoxicated.

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