Example sentences for: pvri

How can you use “pvri” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • As shown in Tables 4and 5, NO induced a significant dose-dependent decrease in MPAP, SPAP, DPAP, PVRI,RVSWI and Q VA /Q T with a significant and dose-dependent increase in PaO 2 /FiO 2 . As shown in Figs 1, 2, 3, a plateau effect was observed at inspiratory NO concentrations of 4.5 ppm for MPAP, PVRI, Q VA /Q T and PaO 2 /FiO 2 . All other hemodynamic and respiratory parameters did not vary significantly.

  • However, patients of subgroup A2 showed a significant increase ( P < 0.05) in heart rate (versus time point 2), CI and SVI, and a significant decrease ( P < 0.05) in SVRI and PVRI at time point 3 as compared with time point 1 (Table 4).

  • Hemodynamic and respiratory effects of increasing inspiratory concentrations of NO in patients with septic shock are summarized in Tables 6and 7. A significant dose-dependent decrease in SPAP, DPAP, MPAP, PVRI, RVSWI, PaCO 2 , VD A /V T and Q VA /Q T and a significant dose-dependent increase in PaO 2 /FiO 2 were observed.

  • SVRI, pulmonary vascular resistance index [PVRI], CI and SVI).

  • The maximum decrease in mean PVRI, PaCO 2 and VD A /V T was obtained for an inspiratory NO concentration of 4.5 ppm (Fig 3).

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