Example sentences for: platja

How can you use “platja” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • East: Platja de Palma

  • Back down the hellish road from the cape, and due west, is the isolated beach Platja Binimella.

  • To the south of town, a long, sandy, gently sloping beach and sand dunes have brought obtrusive high-rise hotel and villa developments to the south coast at Sant Jaume and Platja de Son Bou.

  • By day you’ll have to pick your way across the beach through a sea of tightly packed bodies — despite the inconveniences, Platja de Palma is an outstanding long (4.

  • Fine sandy beaches are close by at Cala Gat and Cala Moltó, though most of the bathers head to Platja Son Moll, lined by large hotels.

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