Example sentences for: plastic

How can you use “plastic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • P. stutzeri has been characterized as having an exceptionally plastic genome with high genotypic diversity within the species [ 33 ] . LGT events are thought to contribute to this plasticity and, consistent with this, many P. stutzeri strains also exhibit a natural transformation ability [ 34 ] . The fact that incorporation of DNA into the genome through homologous recombination requires a region of homology usually limits LGT mediated by natural transformation to closely related species [ 34 35 ] . The ThiF domains of the high homology group do provide a region of homology suitable for homologous recombination.

  • After use with receiving water or effluents, CUBITAINERS® and plastic jugs are punctured to prevent reuse.

  • You do this by flashing your brief , which means in practice waving under his nose a bit of plastic that is actually your warrant card, but as far as Chummy knows might be anything, and announcing that he's nicked.

  • Robert Duvall, uniquely, has a face that manages to be both granitelike and plastic.

  • This year as always, Paris fashion has meant fabulous-looking girls slinking along in foot-high hair or plastered-flat hair with grim or giddy hats and stark painted faces, sporting fitted tops, transparent tops, cutout tops, tight skirts slit to here, full skirts trailing to there, floppy pants or skinny pants, trimmings that glitter or flutter, colors that dazzle or puzzle, curled feathers and dyed fur, boiled wool and frosted leather, crushed velvet, shot silk, frayed hemp, and distressed plastic.

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