Example sentences for: placenames

How can you use “placenames” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Because the model behind the original innovation must be easily recognizable to provide material for a new morpheme, most models are either placenames or common words for locations and activities.

  • Bowman describes how composers have used placenames to express feelings evoked by visits (e.g., Dvorak's From the New World), or to express a nationalistic or patriotic regard for a homeland (e.g., Hindemith's Pittsburgh Symphony).

  • It has to be said that if one attempts a literal translation of many Chinese placenames one simply ends up with a sense that is surreal rather than suitable.

  • Obviously the short-lived French conquests in the region left behind words and names; here a crazy man is foo [for Fr fou ] or, if you want to insult him, a crapaud toad, while on our little island resolutely British placenames (Grenville, Victoria) nestle beside villages like Perd-mon-Temps, La Tante, Crochu.

  • Even though the American taste for plundering placenames has provided words like telethon to other nations, some have commited semantic thefts of their own.

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