Example sentences for: pipetting

How can you use “pipetting” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • For the disruption of cell-matrix interactions, cells grown as a monolayer were either trypsinized or scraped off the culture dish and dispersed by pipetting.

  • The transwell membranes were removed after 90 min of incubation at 37°C, and migrated cells in the lower chamber were harvested by pipetting.

  • Equal amount of soybean trypsin inhibitor was added and the suspension was mixed by gentle pipetting with a plastic transfer pipette for 3-5 minutes and was filtered through 80 μm nylon mesh (50 μm for 7-30 days old).

  • The cultured medium of 96 colonies each was collected by means of a BIOMEK pipetting robot (Beckman) and pooled in one well of a 96 deep well plate.

  • The viral pellet was resuspended in fresh medium by gentle pipetting.

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