Example sentences for: pinpoint

How can you use “pinpoint” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • These can be found all around the outer reef, but expert local help is needed to pinpoint the best spots, weather, water conditions, and times of year for each fish species.

  • A multimedia interactive study area also allows you to review the vast collection on a screen, pinpoint works which you want to see, and print out further details of each piece.

  • Further microarray analysis is underway to pinpoint whether the cause simply lies downstream of the insulin/IGF-1 pathway or whether it is something different altogether.

  • Provide Useful Data Providing objective data for organizational results, customer satisfaction, and employee perspectives can help senior executives manage during the year, identify performance gaps, pinpoint improvement opportunities, and compare their performance to other executives.

  • The goal of this study is to pinpoint the chromosomal regions with the most significant brain-enriched gene expression and to elucidate the non-randomness of the tissue specific expression over the chromosome.

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