Example sentences for: pinned

How can you use “pinned” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Southerners pinned the label on both the opportunistic and idealistic Northerners who packed their worldly possessions into "carpetbags" during Reconstruction and moved to Dixie to enter politics.

  • The blame for the killings was pinned on the Communist Party, the PKI, which denied any involvement.

  • Peter falls for a mousy waitress (Jennifer Aniston) at a theme restaurant where the bosses all look like "Weird Al" Yankovic, and employees are forced to "express themselves" by selecting a minimum of 15 pieces of "flair"--buttons with stupid slogans to be pinned on their uniforms.

  • When his division was pinned down by a fighter-bomber attack in Africa in 1943, he sustained incredible wounds--the loss of an eye, a hand, and two more fingers--directing the evacuation.

  • Tissues were then pinned flat on wax blocks and covered with trypan blue (0.

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