Example sentences for: pickled

How can you use “pickled” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Read about the crew’s diet of “salmagundi,” a stew of pickled herrings, meat, and eggs mixed with wine and vinegar, which served to both preserve the protein and disguise the taste.

  • Oaxacan mezcal is the type that is bottled with a maguey worm pickled in the bottom of the bottle.

  • But Boorman, pickled since youth in Arthurian legends, has become nearly unemployable thanks to the mythic resonances in such epic turkeys as Zardoz (1974), Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977), Where the Heart Is (1990), and the worthy dud Beyond Rangoon (1995).

  • When you see them at Woodstock it's through the aghast eyes of her daughter, who thought of herself as a groover until she caught a glimpse of Mom in a most unmomlike state of sexual ecstasy--Dionysically pickled.

  • ] but with a pickled pearl onion.

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