Example sentences for: picking

How can you use “picking” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • This accused Clinton's lawyers of committing a strategic error by falling into "the temptation of picking at the witness testimony in the Monica Lewinsky case," thus making it "imperative that these witnesses be called to testify, so that disputes on points of fact can be resolved."

  • To check the validity of these peak regions and make sure that the difference is not due to random picking or partial sequencing of cDNA libraries (which is the common random fluctuation caused by digital Northern approach) [ 17 ] , the analysis was repeated using ESTs and the associated library information from the Incyte Genomics LifeSeq database.

  • But these days, Saylor is holding mixers for young D.C. associates and picking them off to work at MicroStrategy with high salaries and stock options.

  • He further suggested that Nicole might have caused the red marks on her face by picking at pimples, and that she might have split her own lip by falling down.

  • I was faced with either standing guard over the clothing and shooing away would-be thieves, or picking as my test candidates attire that was a natural people repellent.

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