Example sentences for: physiologically

How can you use “physiologically” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • While none of these potential ligands have been unequivocally shown to physiologically interact with CD5, these potential CD5 receptor/ligand pairs suggest that CD5 may play a role in T-B or B-1a-B cell-cell communication.

  • Physiologically, it takes time for liver and kidneys to correct metabolic acidosis following tissue dysoxia.

  • We next determined that 17β-estradiol at concentrations that can either be achieved physiologically or easily obtained pharmacologically protected against the combined insult of HIV proteins and drug abuse.

  • However, FBA does have predictive capabilities when a physiologically meaningful objective function can be defined, and the E. coli FBA results, with maximal growth rate as the objective function, have been shown to be consistent with experimental data under nutritionally rich conditions [ 40].

  • The authors found a surprising amount of correlated adaptation to "moderate" temperatures surrounding 37°C, suggesting that selection at this temperature had favored mutations that also improved performance at (presumably) physiologically similar temperatures.

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