Example sentences for: physiognomy

How can you use “physiognomy” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • A far more interesting question than how Bush's smirk is interpreted , however, is: What does it mean ? Calmes quotes C-Span's Brian Lamb as saying, in effect, that it's just a cruel trick of genetic physiognomy: "His father has the same thing; it's just not as pronounced as it is with 'W.

  • But even among the good guys, a marginal physiognomy or a receding hairline can spell doom.

  • But Vosloo doesn't have the physiognomy for a role incarnated variously by the gaunt Boris Karloff (1932) and the totemic Christopher Lee (1959).

  • Brady's first published work was an 1846 collaboration, with the female warden of Sing Sing, on a phrenological study of prison inmates--the sort of analysis of "criminal physiognomy" that later influenced painters like Degas and the poet Baudelaire.

  • These discoveries resulted in the theory of models, the clothing worn by whom gradually shrank to zero, thereby enabling Abe Robinson to prove the existence of infinitesimals, with predictable consequences in the physiognomy of certain members of the audience.

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