Example sentences for: pharmacology

How can you use “pharmacology” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • They applied these simple tools to extract useful information from, and to combine for the first time, enormous databases on molecular pharmacology and gene expression (http://discover.nci.nih.gov/arraytools/).

  • In recent years, it has become clear that the neuronal nAChR is a valid target against a variety of diseases, including cognitive and attention deficits, Parkinson's disease, anxiety, and pain management [ 3 4 ] ; the addiction liability and other undesirable side-effects of nicotine prohibit the use of this natural product for therapeutic applications, but the active development of nAChR agonists presenting adequate receptor subtype specificity should result in improved pharmacology and potency [ 4 ] . As for most membrane proteins, information on the 3 dimensional structure of the nAChR is limited, and the best experimental structure consists of 4.6 A data from electron microscopy [ 5 ] , a resolution that does not allow for structure-based design approaches.

  • In classic pharmacology it would be expected that the effects would be opposite.

  • There is also evidence suggesting that intrarenal EP2 and EP4 receptor activates cAMP-stimulated salt and water transport along the nephron [ 15 16 17 18 ] . Although the localization of EP1, EP3 and EP4 has been determined in human kidney by in situ hybridization, segmental distribution of cAMP-coupled EP2 receptor along the nephron was not detected by this method [ 19 ] . To more clearly define the physiologic role of this cAMP coupled EP receptor, we cloned the rabbit EP 2 receptor, characterized its pharmacology and signaling.

  • From our knowledge of human physiology, disease, and pharmacology we might be able to infer whether a particular drug would be effective in treating a given condition.

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