Example sentences for: permissive

How can you use “permissive” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The L44 bronchial adenocarcinoma was selected from among ten rat tumours of different histological origin, as being very poorly permissive to adenovirus.

  • We found that the phenotypic difference was not so dramatic on the laterals, as at the restrictive condition approximately 55% of laterals were split or multipled while at the permissive condition about 35% were split or multipled.

  • Presumably, these are alternative euphemisms for a "peacekeeping" mission in a "permissive environment."

  • I am the product of perhaps too permissive parents in that they believed, being children of the '60s, that excessive discipline and training may lead to stunted personality development in their children.

  • "Why don't you help me a little," he replied, "and not ask me to define the word 'permissive.

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