Example sentences for: peaked

How can you use “peaked” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Expansion quickly peaked however, and the European powers who had carved up the New World set about testing each other in dynastic conflicts and colonial rivalry.

  • The wholesaler-jobber distribution system peaked in the early 1880s.

  • By the time the welfare rolls peaked in 1993, that figure had risen to a gratifying 31 percent!

  • Tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk peaked after 30 seconds of BCR stimulation (lane 2) and decreased by 5 minutes (lane 3).

  • However, plating cells onto a III1-C coated dish gave strong activation of ERK1/2, which peaked at 30 min and remained relatively constant for the subsequent 30 min (Fig.

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