Example sentences for: pawns

How can you use “pawns” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In "The Week/The Pawns," William Saletan's coverage of the Garry Kasparov vs.

  • Those of us who do not get paid in software stock options should not allow ourselves to become pawns, either way, in struggles among those who do.

  • 24. moskeneer--a mosker sells or pawns things at pawn shops for more than their true value, frequently with a story of need or some other fraudulent con.

  • Lacking the solidarity to unite and too weak to resist by themselves, Italian kingdoms and duchies were reduced to convenient pawns in Europe’s 18th-century dynastic power plays.

  • Throughout most of the last two millennia, they were fought over by European superpowers and became pawns in the religious conflicts between Christianity and Islam.

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