Example sentences for: patter

How can you use “patter” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • But the largest group of words that characterise the early period are those that clearly formed part of a language used for the limited communication that took place between the two peoples: cobra head, mundowie foot, bogie to bathe or a bathing place, crammer to steal, nangry to sleep, patter to eat, budgeree good, cabon big, cooler angry, jerron afraid, narangy little, muny very, baal a negative, and cooee a call or to call.

  • Arnold in fact offers useful tips (patter, stage-business) for performing his pieces, rather like the word-balloons in cartoons.

  • .. methor baruthar, eseluth with the obvious themes per-, bar-, -uth, -uthar, -ethor , setting the tone in this ancient version of a magical patter song or jazz scat.

  • Junior kept up an awkward canned patter, assuring me that I would be a safer person for this and that he understood my anger.

  • All the while, they keep up a patter about how terrible a neighbor the casino industry is and how superficial Las Vegas' prosperity is.

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