Example sentences for: paranoia

How can you use “paranoia” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 3. Starr's theory may be a bit florid in its paranoia, but it's not crazy, given what we already know about current White House operations.

  • Or perhaps an omnipresent air of "investigation" breeds paranoia.

  • After a crash, the crowd's silence feeds an athlete's paranoia, depression, and despair.

  • America, after all, elected Nixon--and not despite the paranoia and dread that runs through this book but, in some ways, because of it.

  • To make a long story--it takes up the greater part of a gripping chapter--short: The dust lifted with Lyndon, the vice-presidential candidate, loathing Bobby for plotting against him (here was Lyndon's paranoia, or maybe his ability to spot the hustle); and Bobby, the campaign manager, loathing Lyndon for having the audacity to take a job for which he knew he wasn't the first choice (here was Bobby's East Coast arrogance, or maybe his idealism).

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