Example sentences for: paparazzi

How can you use “paparazzi” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • She got our attention because she was cute, but she held it because she gave the paparazzi so much to work with--all those unchecked expressions of slyness or shyness or vulnerability or boredom, all that Sturm und Drang about needing her privacy.

  • Also, both mags do the required soul-searching about the paparazzi , concluding that the public's appetite for celebrity photos will overcome its revulsion for photographers' methods.

  • At the end, they eat squishy fruit, vomit, and are set upon by paparazzi .

  • Asked if the intense grief would have any lasting results, she suggested that it might affect the public approach to celebrity and predicted that the paparazzi accident photos then known to exist would "never see the light of day."

  • After years of being hounded by paparazzi , the Kennedys and their guests reportedly exulted in their escape.

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