Example sentences for: palazzos

How can you use “palazzos” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • While it would be a crime to ignore the churches, palazzos, and museums chronicling the unparalleled glories of Italy’s history, the best way to enjoy them is also to spend plenty of time soaking it in from a front-row seat in a café, or from under a canvas beach umbrella watching seaside life unfold.

  • Last but not least is Puglia’s crown city, Lecce, understandably called “The Baroque Florence” for its plethora of 16th–18th century palazzos of local and easily sculpted limestone.

  • These two palazzos house the Capitoline Museums (see page 66), whose Greek and Roman collections provide an excellent introduction to the ancient Roman Forum that spreads below it.

  • In the cities, the cathedrals, palazzos, monumental public buildings, and open-air piazzas are planned as if harmonious elements in unrivalled stagesets.

  • Of Rome’s countless inspirational churches and palazzos, it is the Colosseum — what Byron called “the gladiator’s bloody circus”—that is the symbol of the city’s eternity.

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