Example sentences for: palaver

How can you use “palaver” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • While there was plenty of time on the weekend shows to palaver about Hillary Clinton's emerging child-care initiative (and her 50 th birthday), the Asian stock-market crash, and the reform of the IRS, the shows were silent about the Million Woman March.

  • McGreevey's in his shirtsleeves, not in Armani; he's looking us in the eye, not giving us the back of his head (and his policy) while playing to the crowd; he speaks our language--even if it sounds formulaic ("we need to change our priorities"), it isn't Whitman's mechanical palaver.

  • After weeks of televised palaver, the legal division of the Flytrap commentariat has given up: In determining grounds for impeachment, the Constitution just isn't much help.

  • Given the nature of the publishing business today, it is probably not at all surprising to see another usage book (bearing in mind that the Fowler is being updated by Robert Burchfield), though, if you believe all the foregoing palaver, no one will ever refer to it.

  • Today's palaver palette offers Frank Rich excoriating Beltway pundits, Gene McCarthy arguing that special prosecutors are inherently anti-democratic, Maureen Dowd mitigating the presidential prurience with a sexual ineptness defense and an Alabama reporter's discussing what a nice scandal break folks down his way got by being clobbered by Hurricane Georges.

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