Example sentences for: palaces

How can you use “palaces” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • To try and recapture the interior’s rather gracious rococo atmosphere, furniture and decorations from other Prussian palaces built in the 18th-century have been used to replace what was destroyed here during World War II.

  • The businesses that remain--perfumed slot palaces, Indian bingos, lotteries--seem virtuous, and are virtuous, by comparison.

  • The site of imperial palaces since the reign of Kublai Khan, the Summer Palace (Yi He Yuan) achieved its present form during reconstructions from 1749 to 1764.

  • Before the opening of the "Palaces of St. Petersburg" exhibition (through Aug. 31), Russian and American artisans painstakingly transformed the Mississippi Arts Pavilion into lavishly appointed rooms adapted from the homes of the czars, fitted out with authentic paintings and furnishings.

  • Hollywood Boulevard introduced lavishly exotic Chinese and Egyptian-style movie palaces, and film stars built homes to match in Beverly Hills, the most famous being the Pickfair mansion, a hunting lodge which Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford turned into a honeymoon estate.

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