Example sentences for: palace

How can you use “palace” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Cixi celebrated many of her birthdays at the Summer Palace, and she was especially fond of theatrical performances, in which she sometimes played a role.

  • In the palace wall beyond the Hanuman statue and protected by a wooden fence is a poem etched in stone in 15 languages dated 14 January 1664.

  • Among the many buildings in the grounds, nearest to the palace is the Italian-style Schinkel-Pavillon (1825).

  • When you reach the small square of Klathmonos you’ll find the Museum of the City of Athens housed in the former King Otto’s palace of the 19th century.

  • Returning to the Grand Canal: You’ll find in the glorious Ca’ d’Oro the quintessential decorative tradition of Venetian architecture, arguably more successful in its compact form here than in the beautiful but sprawling Doges’ Palace.

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