Example sentences for: pagers

How can you use “pagers” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The press was standing behind the children; he saw their phones and pagers start to ring.

  • Included among the victims of the news gatherers were police who, in recent years have taken to using the pagers to protect some of their more sensitive communications from media scanners.

  • USAT , the NYT , the WP , and the LAT all have front pagers today about how the British royal family appears to have underestimated the public affection for Di and the papers worry that, as a result, the royals may never again enjoy true mass appeal.

  • "Really big pagers, set on 'vibrate.

  • 6. "Motorola agreed to put America Online's Instant Messenger software in its next generation of cell phones and pagers . This is the greatest news I've heard in months.

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