Example sentences for: pager

How can you use “pager” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In its front pager, the WP adds OPEC's increased production.

  • A second NYT front pager, from Timothy Egan, offers the best you-are-there account of Tuesday's mayhem.

  • A WP front pager details a sure sign of the tightest U.S. labor market in thirty years--the upswing in companies looking for new hires in the U.S. prison population.

  • An LAT front pager describes how the U.S.

  • The WP piece doesn't even mention Khameni (although another Post front pager, on Iran's loosening of domestic social restrictions, especially on women and intellectuals, does so in the course of an informative paragraph on the Iranian power structure).

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