Example sentences for: paddle

How can you use “paddle” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Let us modify the device such that the cannonball, after hitting the paddle wheel and setting it spinning, is deflected downward onto the ground and digs a long shallow groove in the dirt, with high sides due to the displaced dirt.

  • Prior to my firing the cannonball, I contrived to tie one end of a red rope around the axle of the paddle wheel and a modest size bucket to the other end of the rope.

  • Once struck by the cannonball, the paddle wheel is set to spinning.

  • The grand finale seems spectacular to some and completely unnecessary to others: The lights in the amphitheater dim and three rowboats decked out with Christmas lights paddle out to the middle of the lake, one with an organist and two violinists playing classical music.

  • The same cannon as in .a now fires the same cannonball, which, however, hits a paddle on a sturdy paddle wheel I constructed.

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