Example sentences for: padding

How can you use “padding” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Actually, he veers drunkenly between these two poles, now mocking Hillary for thick ankles, dowdy outfits, and résumé padding, now excusing her involvement in Travelgate and Whitewater.

  • The article particularly criticizes police departments that take credit for falling crime rates while padding their budgets by fueling unwarranted paranoia.

  • The words man, well hard, wicked , and swear-words are not simply idle padding for a sentence, they are an intrinsic part of the language.

  • Victorian fashion, for example, wholly redeemed, is often treated with great respect in movies such as The Portrait of a Lady . The high hair and big bustles have been assimilated to all the other harmless customs of antiquity; they've become the equivalent of Egyptian breastplates and Elizabethan padding.

  • The best way to see the wildlife, and certainly the most fun, is swaying atop a silently padding elephant.

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