Example sentences for: pachuco

How can you use “pachuco” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • I have actually become quite fascinated by this magazine and was going to dig out the latest issue to report on exactly which babes in bikini tops and pachuco pants were jutting their hips out beside which gleaming, curvaceous, cherried-out 20-ton American car.

  • The pachuco argot utilized several linguistic sources in developing a vocabulary or jargon.

  • Young men who relocated and settled in Los Angeles, even for short periods of time, upon returning home to the small towns of the Southwest, would spread the pachuco beliefs and jargon to their communities.

  • During the 1940s a caricature of the pachuco was created for the Mexican media in the person of Tin Tan, whose real name was Germán Valdéz (1919–1973).

  • Some of these idioms are the pachuco dialect, Chicano Spanish, New Mexico colonial Spanish, south Texas vocabulary, caló, and the argot of the tirilones of El Paso.

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