Example sentences for: pachinko

How can you use “pachinko” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • (ad for an athletic club)' “Tasty Menu” (printed on a menu); “Big Heights Tahiragi” (the Tahiragi high-rise apartment building); “Build Saito” (the Saito Building); “pair glass” (a pair of drinking glasses); “Arrange Ball” (Pachinko or pinball); “History and Future Pavilion” (Pavilion of Past and Future); “fillet of minion” (entanglement perhaps not so simple); “Extra Interior” (factory-printed sign on a car: roomier?

  • People who might have spent their day controlling precision systems to turn out cars, cameras, or computer chips sit glassy-eyed and transfixed in front of a pachinko pinball machine, doing nothing but watching hundreds of little metal balls going nowhere.

  • For Japan is truly a kaleidoscope of lifestyles and images, local cultures and beliefs: the rice farmers in rural heartlands and the subway millions of teeming Tokyo; the Zen Buddhist monks and the fad-obsessed teenaged fashion victims; the solemn temple ceremony or the hellish din of the pachinko parlor; exquisite temple architecture or all-pervasive soulless concrete apartment buildings.

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