Example sentences for: owe

How can you use “owe” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • First, calculate how much you owe.

  • "You just say you want one and even if the terms you propose are ridiculous--like $10 a week when you owe tens of thousands--collection stops while your proposal goes up and down the chain of managers, until 90 days later you are told no.

  • The New York Times ' Richard Bernstein is just about the book's only fan: "We owe it to Mr. Morris, whose book is lively, readable and anecdotally rich, for his insider's account of the way the game is played."

  • We owe a huge debt to their investigative labors, painstaking attention to detail, and readiness to share what they have learned.

  • Everywhere we turn today, it seems fashionable to conceive of American minorities as communities in exile, sojourners who owe greater fealty to their racial kinfolk, wherever they might live, than to their own neighbors, whoever they might be.

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